Raising Vibrations and Consciousness

While Reminding You to Self Love 

Empowering women to find Serenity in Being through the transformative powers of femininity, self-love/acceptance, and nervous system regulation.

Serenity in Being 

Empowering women to find Serenity in Being through the transformative powers of femininity, self-love/acceptance, and nervous system regulation

Self Awareness and Self Acceptance will Introduce you to Self Love 

Self Awareness and Self Acceptance will Introduce you to the Essence of Being .  

Raise Your Vibration 

Everything in this universe is made up of energy just vibrating at different frequencies. We are just spiritual beings having an human experience. Keeping you vibrations high will benefit you greatly in life. Your life is determined by how high or low you are consistently vibrating. Guilt, shame and hate, are all low vibrational feelings. I like to help people keep their vibrations high by reminding them of their greatness and by reminding them to self-love. 

Raise Your Consciousness 

When we raise our consciousness and focus on the present moment we usually always see a change in our mental health. People are usually anxious because they are focused on the future or they are depressed because they are  focused on the past. True happiness and peace comes when you learn how to be conscious. The only thing that truly exist is the present moment. 

Self Love/Self Concept 

Once we master self love and self concept we can master everything. Our whole life is built around how much we love ourself and what we think about ourself. There is no greater love than the love you have for yourself. The way we love ourself creates our reality. The way we think of ourself creates our reality. You will only have what you believe you will have. 

Raise Your Vibration 

Everything in this universe is made up of energy just vibrating at different frequencies. We are just spiritual beings having an human experience. Keeping you vibrations high will benefit you greatly in life. Your life is determined by how high or low you are consistently vibrating. Guilt, shame and hate, are all low vibrational feelings. I like to help people keep their vibrations high by reminding them of their greatness and by reminding them to self-love. 

Raise Your Consciousness 

When we raise our consciousness and focus on the present moment we usually always see a change in our mental health. People are usually anxious because they are focused on the future or they are depressed because they are  focused on the past. True happiness and peace comes when you learn how to be conscious. The only thing that truly exist is the present moment. 

Gracefully Being  

When you are Gracefully Being  you experience a subtle ease and obvious flow. Gracefully Being is about accepting who you are and what is while striving (gracefully) to be better. Society puts so much emphasises on mental, spiritual, physical transformation. There is so much pressure. As a result people can easily fall into the muddy waters and sink in Self Hate. Be you, gracefully. Heal, gracefully and intentionally. 

Intentional Healing. You Have The Power!

Time is an important factor when it pertains to healing. However, we are striving to raise awareness about intentional healing. Time does not have to pass you by in order for you to feel better. 

Intentional Healing. You Have The Power!

Time is an important factor when it pertains to healing. However, we are striving to raise awareness about intentional healing. Time does not have to pass you by in order for you to feel better. 

Emotional Freedom Technique

This technique will calm your anxiety and help you release stress. This technique is very effective and efficient in regulating your nervous system.  


Often times, we do not realize that we go through our days scarcely breathing. Breathe work helps us stay in the present moment and regulate our nervous system.  

The Chakras System

We can determine what needs healing in us by realizing how our feelings, thoughts and emotions relate to specific chakras.

Mindset Shifts 

One of the greatest things you can do for yourself is learn to observe your trail as a teacher. We have to learn acceptance. We have to learn how to find the lesson in our trials and tribulations. 

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."

Marianne Williamson

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